Word of the Day

Sunday, August 31, 2014


Found in a Czech weekly: Jedním z takto nedávno odstavených je bývalý ministr vlády Margaret Thatcherové, nyní lord, Nigel Lawson, častý rozhlasový debatér, publicista a autor knižního bestselleru, jenž pod titulem Apel na rozum analyzuje alarmistickou histerii (sic) teorie klimatizačních změn.

One who has been recently shunned is the former minister under Margaret Thatcher, now lord, Nigel Lawson, a habitué of radio debates, journalist and bestseller author, who analyzes the alarmist hysteria (hysterie in Czech has a y) around the theory of "air conditioning" changes in the book An Appeal to Reason.

Klimatizační refers to air conditioning. What the author had in mind was klimatický, climatic.

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

O Lawson é famosozinho mesmo XD há vários vídeos d debates com ele. Acho que ele faz parte do grupo dos eurocéticos.

Ahh, o tcheco!