Word of the Day

Friday, November 5, 2010

Tip (gratuity)

Several languages display something in common regarding the word tip. In Portuguese it is gorjeta, which comes from French gorge, meaning throat, it's money you give someone for them to wet their throat. In Czech it is spropitné, inside of which is the word pít, to drink. In Polish it is napiwek. Pić means to drink and piwo is beer. In German it is Trinkgeld (trinken = to drink, Geld = money), also used in colloquial Czech under the disguise of tringeld, tringelt, trinkgeld or trinkgelt. In French it is pourboire (pour = for, boire = to drink). The Russians, albeit their fame as heavy vodka drinkers, have чаевые (chaevye, for the tea), which could be an example of euphemism. The Greeks have the romantic φιλοδώρημα (filodórima), which could be interpreted as filia (friendship) + doro (present, gift). In Hungarian it is borravaló, where bor means wine.


Comentador said...

Olha, não sabia dessas, legal!
E 'tip'?

světluška said...

"give a small present of money to," c.1600, "to give, hand, pass," originally thieves' cant, perhaps from tip (v.3) "to tap." The meaning "give a gratuity to" is first attested 1706. The noun in this sense is from 1755; the meaning "piece of confidential information" is from 1845; the verb in this sense is from 1883; tipster first recorded 1862.