Word of the Day

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Dative of masculine nouns ending in a in Polish and Czech

A sentence I have just read reminded me of a difference between Czech and Polish regarding masculine nouns ending in a in the dative case. Whereas Czech has the usual masculine ovi/u ending for such nouns, Polish declines them as feminine nouns. Here's the sentence that triggered this comment:

Do nowego prezydenta USA zadzwonił też ustępujący. George W. Bush złożył Barackowi Obamie gratulacje.

Which in Czech would be Novému prezidentu USA zavolal taky odcházející prezident. George W. Bush vyjádřil Baracku Obamovi blahopřání.

In English: The leaving president of the USA has called the new president. George W. Bush extended Barack Obama his congratulations.

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