Word of the Day

Sunday, December 3, 2006

On getting married

Getting married is not only a big step in real life, but all the intricacies that involve the holy bonds of matrimony also play a key role when it comes to languages.

Slavic languages and Latin seem to be the ones with the greatest array of possibilities according to the sex of the person who will tie the knot*. A few examples:

Russian: выйти замуж за какого-нибудь (for women) and жениться на каком-нибудь (for men), пожениться (for couple)
Наталья вышла замуж за Антона.
Антон женился на Наталье.
Hаталья и Антон поженились.

Czech: vdát se za někoho (for women) and oženit se s někým (for men), vzít se (for couple, but also for men and women indistinctly)
Božena se vdala za Miroslava./Božena si vzala (za muže) Miroslava.
Miroslav se oženil s Boženou./Miroslav si vzal (za ženu) Boženu.
Božena a Miroslav se vzali.

Polish: wychodzić za kogoś (for women) and żenić się z kimś (for men), pobrać się (for couple)
Maria wychodziła za Andrzeja.
Andrzej się żenił z Marią.
Maria i Andrzej się pobrali.

Latin: nubere cum aliquo/alicui (for women) and in matrimonium ducere aliquam (for men), matrimonio iungi (for couple)
Maria Caesari/cum Caesare nupsit.
Caesar Mariam in matrimonium duxit.
Maria et Caesar matrimonio iuncti sunt.

Many Romance languages seem to build the word to marry on casa (house). The idea is that a married couple will jointly build a house, or even better make a home.
Portuguese: Maria (se) casou com João./João (se) casou com Maria. João e Maria (se) casaram.
Spanish: María se casó con Juan./Juan se casó con María./Juan y María se casaron.
Romanian: Maria s-a căsătorit cu Ion./Ion s-a căsătorit cu Maria./Maria şi Ion s-au căsătorit.

* Japanese 結婚 (kekkon) is also interesting. The first character is pronounced ketsu/musubu and means to tie; the second is pronounced kon and goes back to a pledge, but interestingly its left part represents a woman. Two people that pledge to tie the knot. Pretty picture. It's just lamentable that this knot is currently severed way too often.

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