Word of the Day

Monday, December 20, 2010

Swedish řezné rány?

From Hypnotizér, Hypnotisören in the Swedish original, a book I'm reading in Czech:
"Zatím jsem ještě nestačil všechny rány podrobně prozkoumat."
"Vulnera scissa," řekne latinsky Frippe.
"Jo, švédsky tomu říkáme řezné rány, prohlásí Nålen."

"I still haven't got round to checking all the wounds thoroughly."
"Vulnera scissa," says Frippe in Latin.
"Yep, in Swedish we call them gashes, announces Nålen."

Right, but such a translation is awkward, since, even though it's correct and most likely corresponds to the original, the book has been translated in Czech and the Swedes don't call that řezné rány, which is obviously a Czech phrase. The translator could have opted for u nás (more or less: here, by us) or even could even bolder and written česky, that is, in Czech.

1 comment:

Comentador said...

Humm... e como você diria isso em português?