Word of the Day

Monday, June 26, 2017

Selfie smrť

Selfie smrť je definovaná ako smrť, ktorá by sa nestala, ak by si daná osoba nefotila selfie. 

Selfie death is defined as death that wouldn't have occurred if a given person hadn't taken a selfie.

Selfie smrť is English syntax, where you can have a noun placed before another noun. Rigorously there should be an adjective, such as smrtonosná or smrtiaca, in Slovak. This is how languages lose their authenticity and end up resembling English more and more.


Jonathan said...

O adjetivo não deveria ser o selfie?
"Selfiený smrt' "?

světluška said...

Não. É uma selfie mortal, mortífera, fatal, etc. E selfiený não existe.

Jonathan said...

Ah tá. Eu tinha entendido como uma morte selfiesca =D Ďakujem