Word of the Day

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Misunderstandings due to languages

In an episode of The O.C. there is a whole confusion based on a linguistic aspect. Alex, Seth's girlfriend, tells him that it's complicated because her ex is back, but Seth has no clue that Alex's ex is actually a girl, which is cleared up later on the show. He chews her head off for lying to him, to which she replies she never did, she just didn't have time to tell him that, and he assumed her ex was a he. This confusion would never have happened in Portuguese, among several other languages, because the speaker would be "forced" to say meu ex or minha ex, which would have given away the ex's sex right away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Em tcheco mesmo sem o possessivo

ex se vratil
ex se vratila


Em inglês é mais fácil jogar para os dois lados :D